Thrombogenics, a leading Belgian biopharmaceutical company, develops drugs for various cardiovascular diseases, oncology and ophthalmology. For its 2010 annual report, Concerto played the innovation card by offering an unusual format with original content. The cover plays on both the originality of an abstract illustration and on the informational aspect of an image of a close-up of an eye.
The graphic way in which the words are presented shows the "potential" vision of a patient with ophthalmic disease. The opaque mass depicts the traces of the gene that causes the vitreoretinal macular traction syndrome when reading a printed page.
A USB stick found on top of the report contains financial data relevant to the annual report. This presentation has several advantages: it limits the number of pages of the company's annual report (less paper) and stakeholders interested in the more financial aspects have a practical and useful tool close at hand.